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Sleep Training Days 6 & 7

It was a busy weekend, so we didn’t follow all the rules to the T, but I think we did a pretty good job overall: Here’s the breakdown:

Saturday: Woke up at 5:30 (9.5 hours of night time sleep with no wakings)

Nap 1: 8:00, fell asleep in the car (Nap Duration: 25 minutes, she woke up when I opened my car door – bummer)

Nap 2: 10:30, Passed out on the couch next to me (we were both exhausted). (Nap Duration: 90 minutes)

Nap 3: 2:00 – 2:35, fell alseep in car seat on the way home from Costco, finished nap in crib (Nap Duration 35 minutes)

Nap 4: Attempted at 4:30, flat out refusal. So we gave up.

Bed Time: 7:00, fell asleep in her crib pretty quick, slept for 45 minutes then woke up. It took about 1.5 unhappy hours but she went back to sleep. She got to the point where she was crying so hard I thought she was going to make herself sick, so we gave in and held her. Honestly it seemed like the “sleep lady shuffle” was just making her even more mad. It was like, I see you, why are you not getting me?!

Night Time wakings: None, fed her in her sleep at 2am

Sunday: Woke up at 6: 30 (9.5 hours of sleep)

Nap 1: 9:00, fell asleep on me during church. I held her for this nap (Nap Duration: 1 hour)

Nap 2: 12:45, fell asleep in the car on the way home, finished nap in crib (Nap Duration: 1 hour)

Nap 3: 3:45, fell asleep on my lap while we were watching TV (Nap Duration: 40 minutes)

Bedtime: 7:20, I was worried she wouldn’t go to sleep on her own, since she hadn’t had to do it much the previous 2 days, but she did fine. No whining, fell asleep in her crib on her own after playing with and talking to her pacifiers for about 20 minutes.

Night time wake ups: 2 – 11:30 (fell back asleep really quick), 3:30 she had peed through two cloth diapers, a soaker, AND her pj’s so we had to do a diaper and wardrobe change in the middle of the night. It woke her up, it took an hour for her to go back to sleep, but she did it on her own with little soothing from me.

Wake up: 6: 35 (10 hours & 15 minutes)

Issues and concerns: None really, Saturday night’s meltdown was a bit heart breaking, but we all recovered. I know it is recommended that these 2 weeks of sleep training are free from interruptions, but it’s just not possible. She will sleep in her car seat or on someone time and again, and I think as long as she doesn’t NEED those things to go to sleep we are still doing great.

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