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Things I learned vacationing with a Toddler

So my hubs and I both work in education – which means we get a pretty awesome 2 weeks off at Christmas Time. It was BUSY. We did 5 days with his family out of town and then another 5 with my family – this one included a 7ish hour drive there and back.

Having no real experience traveling with a Toddler I really had non idea what to expect (beyond crappy sleep – but we’ve already covered that). So here are some things I came away with:

  1. You can never have too many goldfish crackers. They are food, but also a source of entertainment.
  2. Get some Toddler Apps. They are your friend. Yes, you will have to listen to “The cow says, “Mooo!”” for about 19 hours – but it’s worth it.
  3. Have a large arsenal of children’s songs at your disposal. My daughter HATES to be in the car in the dark. So I had to contort my body around to keep a hand on her in the car and sing as many silly songs as I could think to keep her happy for the last 3 hours of our trip.
  4. Cosleeping isn’t as pretty as they make it out to be. On our second trip, Baby Girl flat out refused to sleep (at night) in her pack-n-play. One night after trying at least 3 times to set her in her bed without getting a screaming freak-out that would wake the whole house I set down her completely asleep little body only to have her pop right back up and point to the big bed. At that point, I gave up. Anyway – Here is a diagram for you to study, should you consider cosleeping:dangers-of-co-sleepingMy daughter’s favorite pose is “H is for Hell” although there was also a lot of “Snow Angels” and  “Jazz Hands”
  5. If you are going to cosleep, don’t allow your child to eat a dinner of pinto beans and cheese. Enough said.

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